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  1. Livres & vidéos
  2. Veeam Data Platform
  3. Préface de Rick VANOVER
Extrait - Veeam Data Platform Protégez efficacement vos données
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Veeam Data Platform Protégez efficacement vos données Revenir à la page d'achat du livre

Préface de Rick VANOVER


For those who read this book by Nicolas Bonnet, welcome.

Books and learning are important, even in today’s rushed world of online content, videos, artificial intelligence and more. You are here because you have data your care about it. You are about to invest time to make your data radically resilient. You are in the right place.

There many threats to data today, and Veeam products are in the market to mitigate them. Nicolas is one of the Veeam Vanguards, a Veeam 100 program for the top-level Veeam influencers in the industry. I always enjoy reviewing books by Nicolas, I do technical reviews and will help him promote it upon publish. Community is everywhere, and it starts with this book.

I feel that community efforts are important, such as this book but also building online identities and leveraging every resource to your disposal. One example is the Veeam Community Hub (community.veeam.com) - where we also have a user group for France for discussion, events and more all in French language. Community is what you make of it and I am grateful that Nicolas has once again embarked upon a book project.

This book will walk you through the product in an illustrated manner. Showing you before you start in your own environment. Veeam products are easy-to-use, and this book by Nicolas will show you that.

My advice is to not just enjoy this book, but do good things with it. Be radically resilient.

Best Regards,


Rick W. Vanover 

Senior Director, Product Strategy...